Portfolio of Jan Abernethy
1e Designing Coherent Instruction
Given the opportunity to write my own science curriculum was one of the most satisfying experiences in my educational career. I particularly enjoyed the environmental education aspect. I included coldwater conservation with the "Trout in the Classroom" program, water quality with the Creek Connections program, and filled in the hands-on, vocabulary, bookwork, and videos with Discovery Education Science, Brainpop, 3M Science of Everyday Life, Mr. Nussbaum, and more. Below is one module I put together for science. It includes links to websites, PowerPoint files, games, handouts, quizzes, activities, and experiements. The original file is a SMART notebook file that holds all of the files in one place. Many of the files are interactive and the students enjoy learning from them. I have not included files that are proprietary to Discovery Education. I have also included below pictures of the "Trout in the Classroom" program and the "Creek Connections" program.
Using kick nets | Waiting their turn | fall2013 749.JPG |
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fall2013 590.JPG | fall2013 591.JPG | fall2013 597.JPG |
fall2013 749.JPG | fall2013 773.JPG | fall2013 778.JPG |
fall2013 1003.JPG | fall2013 799.JPG | fall2013 798.JPG |