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My name is Jan Abernethy and I am a fifth grade educator in the Greenville School District in Pennsylvania. I have created this website to show how my teaching in the past year (2014/2015) applies to the four domains of Charlotte Danielson's, "Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument."


My students this year named themselves the Dauntless Dogs, and I did my best to create fearless leaders who would stand up for themselves and others and do their best to right the injustices of the world. I continued to film the Alex and Hayden Show, a talk show about autism, with my students last year. This year's students were fascinated and wanted to be involved. They began coming to school early and before long started their own spin off show called the Dauntless Dog Talk Show. Their talk show focused on bullying and they too filmed before school, often working with the students from the Alex and Hayden show with some of their themes.


Unfortunately, due to some health issues, I missed half of the  school year. That didn't mean I forgot about my class. I spent my time at home writing grants, watching webinars, surfing the web for new tools and I even volunteered for a state conference so I could learn more. As determined as I was to get back to my classroom, I was just as determined not to waste one moment away from it.







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